[in text box] The Space Shuttle is the flight element of the Space Transportation System (STS). It is not the only component, however. In order to be put into orbit, the Shuttle needs more than just its flight crew. There are many people on the ground whose jobs are just as important in making sure the ShuttleÕs missions are successful. The STS includes all of the buildings, equipment, and people used to assemble the Space Shuttle, launch it, and recover its parts after each mission. [the chair is facing the user and is highlighted in such a way that indicates a rollover will uncover some text:] Eager to start the tour? Take your seat and letÕs begin! [user clicks on chair, it swivels around to face the computer screen with the thumbnail of the Shuttle. When this happens, the following text appears:] Click on the shuttle to begin. [user clicks on picture of Space Shuttle on screen to move forward]